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Repair and Service Policy

Repair and Service Policy

There can be many questions regarding service procedures, policies, requirements, etc. So we’ve tried to answer some of the most common below. Although we hope this will answer most of your inquiries, we understand that you may still have questions. If you do, please contact our Technical Support Department.


Radisys Hardware Warranty Agreement

The complete Hardware Warranty Statement can be found at the front of each product manual. As per the warranty agreement, all product service/repair is to be performed by Radisys Product Service in a Radisys Product Service Center and Radisys Technical Support (Radisys Product Service) must authorize all product returns.


Service Order and RMA (Return Material Authorization)

Technical Support will create a Service Order for each piece of equipment that is authorized for return to Radisys for service and a RMA (Return Material Authorization) number will be provided for each service order. Specific information is required to create a service order. A service order will be created only upon receipt of all required information and the RMA number(s) will be delivered to the person making the request.


Shipping and Import Customs

The Customer is responsible for returning products to the designated Product Service Center.  The Customer bears all shipping costs and related charges, and Radisys bears all import customs costs and related charges, per Incoterms® 2010 DAP (Destination).

Also as stated in the Warranty Agreement, Radisys is responsible for returning products to the location designated by the Customer.  Radisys bears all shipping costs and related charges, and the Customer bears all import customs costs and related charges, per Incoterms® 2010 DAP (Destination).


Boldly mark the outside of the shipping container with the service order (RMA) number.

The Service Center reserves the right to refuse unmarked packages and will not accept those not clearly marked with a RMA number. It also reserves the right to refuse delivery of products for which an RMA number does not exist. Any such products that are inadvertently received may be returned to the sender freight-collect. Because Radisys operates several repair centers, the address to which equipment should be shipped may vary. Technical Support will provide the address of the service center to which your product should be shipped when providing the RMA number.

Please properly pack all products before shipping.

 The service center will void the warranty of any product that is received without proper shock, vibration and ESD protection.


Note to New or Indirect Customers

Technical Support will attempt to confirm your company as a current customer. If unable to, specific information will be required to establish your company as a customer. You will be informed of the information that is required and referred to the appropriate Radisys organization for assistance if necessary. Technical Support will continue with the service order process once it has received confirmation of an established Radisys customer account.



OTHER Important Notes

Non-Warranty Service/Repair Pricing

Most products have a flat service/repair rate. This rate does not include the replacement of components that can be removed or exchanged by the user (i.e. memory modules, microprocessors, accessories and documentation). An evaluation fee will be required to quote the cost of servicing/ repairing products that do not have a flat repair rate. Systems with sub-assemblies and those with field installable options are among the group of products that are subject to this type of pricing. The fee will be credited toward the final repair cost should the customer choose to proceed with repair. The evaluation fee will not be less that $125. Technical Support will provide you with any information you need regarding the cost of service/repair. Service/Repairs are warranted for 90 days or the remainder of the original factory warranty.

Peripherals and Sub-Assemblies

Functional peripheral modules and sub-assemblies should not be returned with failing units unless authorized by Technical Support. Non-functional sub-assemblies or peripherals are considered separate items and the repair of these items will be treated a separate repair service/request.

No Defect/Problem Found

If we are unable to identify a hardware defect we will attempt (for a reasonable time period) to obtain additional information from the customer to assist in the isolation and identification of such. If we are unable to obtain information that leads to our identifying a hardware defect, we will assume the item is operating within specifications and return it without additional testing. We will assess a re-certification (No Trouble Found/No Defect Found) fee for this service. This fee is subject to change at any time but will not be less than $250.


Radisys Product Service defines an upgrade as a service or modification to a product that is not required to meet original factory specifications and performance. Any request for upgrade will be treated as a request for non-warranty service and the customer will be billed accordingly. If it is determined that the warranty period of an item being returned for upgrade is expired, the full non-warranty repair price will be billed in addition to the upgrade price unless the requestor has clearly stated the item is being returned for upgrade only. It is the responsibility of the customer to clearly describe the type of service being requested. The amount of these fees varies by product, but will not be less than $250.

Items Beyond Repair

We may choose to credit the customer for items that are determined to be unrepairable if the defect is considered a warrantable defect and a replacement is not readily available. If we choose to credit the customer, we will credit the customer the purchase price of the item. Items determined to be beyond our ability to repair as the result of a customer action will be returned “as received” and we will assess a minimum service fee. The amount of this fee varies by product, but will not be less than $250. We guarantee no offer of replacement or credit of any type for unrepairable items for which the warranty has expired or is not applicable.

Product Configuration

Please document jumpers & the configuration before shipping the product to Radisys. Repaired products will be returned with factory default configuration settings, unless prior arrangements have been made. Additionally, customers are responsible for backing up any installed software prior to shipment.