Latest News:

Radisys Media Server Selected by Unisys to Power Next-Generation Voicemail Services

Radisys Expands Small Cell Portfolio with Qualcomm Dragonwing FSM200 Platform for FR1 and FR2

Radisys Unveils Industry-First 3GPP Release 18 5G Software for Ubiquitous Multi-RAN Connectivity

SEMPRE Partners with Radisys to Develop Resilient and Secure 5G Infrastructure

Zoom Technology Group Selects Radisys as its Technology Partner for Broadband Connectivity Expansion

Microamp and Radisys Forge Strategic Alliance Advancing the Development of Open RAN-compliant 5G mmWave Solution

Request RMA / Support

To submit a Return Materials Authorization (RMA) request or to get Customer Support, please click the button below to launch the CCPU Issue Tracker web application, which will walk you through the steps needed to request an RMA or submit a Customer Problem Report (CPR).

Customer Portal Assistance

Issue Tracker Not Working?

If you find the Issue Tracker is unavailable or not working correctly, click here to send us a support request via Email.

RMA Shipping Address Label

Please use the following shipping label to ship RMA hardware to Radisys’s Hong Kong depot:

RMA Shipping Label – Hong Kong (PDF)

For a select few products/programs, you must ship RMA hardware to the Radisys San Diego depot. If your product is under such a program, the Customer Program Manager for your account will inform you. In that case, please use the following shipping label specifically to ship to San Diego: RMA Shipping Label – San Diego (PDF)

Check Warranty Status

To check the Warranty Status of a Radisys product, click here.