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O-RAN Alliance

ABOUT O-RAN Alliance

The O-RAN Alliance was founded by operators to clearly define requirements and help the supply chain eco-system build and deploy innovative products and services that will strengthen the industry well into the 21st Century.

Partnership Overview

Radisys has been a long time, active member of the O-RAN Alliance. One key activity was the contribution of the Radisys Open 5G Software® seed code to the O-RAN Alliance for its 5G NR Stack Reference Architecture. Radisys’ contribution helped accelerate the O-RAN ecosystem and enable the delivery of open APIs and open architectures that mobile operators can use to accelerate their 5G network build-outs, while benefitting from reduced costs, improving network efficiencies, and enabling a multi-vendor ecosystem. As an active participant, Radisys is vendor co-chair of the Stack Reference Design WG8 and has contributed our Open 5G Software® to its 5G NR Stack Reference Architecture to accelerate the Open RAN ecosystem. We’ve also contributed O-DU seed code to the Alliance’s Open Software Community.

Ready to Learn More? Contact Us.