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Radisys Media Server Selected by Unisys to Power Next-Generation Voicemail Services

Radisys Expands Small Cell Portfolio with Qualcomm Dragonwing FSM200 Platform for FR1 and FR2

Radisys Unveils Industry-First 3GPP Release 18 5G Software for Ubiquitous Multi-RAN Connectivity

SEMPRE Partners with Radisys to Develop Resilient and Secure 5G Infrastructure

Zoom Technology Group Selects Radisys as its Technology Partner for Broadband Connectivity Expansion

Microamp and Radisys Forge Strategic Alliance Advancing the Development of Open RAN-compliant 5G mmWave Solution

O-RAN Alliance

ABOUT O-RAN Alliance

The O-RAN Alliance was founded by operators to clearly define requirements and help the supply chain eco-system build and deploy innovative products and services that will strengthen the industry well into the 21st Century.

Partnership Overview

Radisys has been a long time, active member of the O-RAN Alliance. One key activity was the contribution of the Radisys Open 5G Software® seed code to the O-RAN Alliance for its 5G NR Stack Reference Architecture. Radisys’ contribution helped accelerate the O-RAN ecosystem and enable the delivery of open APIs and open architectures that mobile operators can use to accelerate their 5G network build-outs, while benefitting from reduced costs, improving network efficiencies, and enabling a multi-vendor ecosystem. As an active participant, Radisys is vendor co-chair of the Stack Reference Design WG8 and has contributed our Open 5G Software® to its 5G NR Stack Reference Architecture to accelerate the Open RAN ecosystem. We’ve also contributed O-DU seed code to the Alliance’s Open Software Community.

Ready to Learn More? Contact Us.